Wednesday, April 16, 2014

La Belle Dame Sans Merci



John Williams Waterhouse was born in April 6, 1849 in Rome and died on February 10, 1917.
John W.W works:
His works were painting of classical, historical and literary art works. 
Waterhouse also grow an interest on themes associated with the Pre-Raphaelites, associated with powerful femme fatales
Some John W.W life events:
1- Waterhouse helped his father at the studios
2- Later he entered the Royal Academy schools
3- Also Waterhourse went to Italy where he started painting genre scenes
4- Death of cancer, 1917
3) In this picture can be perfectly reflected the story of love and death contrasted with the landscape, as it is darker and gloomier, and its sounds as well, such as the example of the birds:  "The sedge has wither'd from the lake / And no birds sing!". Also the beautiful lady that is grasping the knight is a femme fatale, a woman that attracts lovers ( in this case the knight ) for later destroy them by her supernatural powers and abandon them afterwards. as it is seen in the picture: how the knight is captivated and instantly falls in love with the lady

( Picture By: Frank Dicksee)

5) In the picture i have chosen illustrates different character attitudes, for examaple the knight emphasizes more the fact that he is captivated and totally blind of love because of his pose, which shows that he does not have total control of his body and is carried away by the look of the beautiful lady. It also shows that the knight has no sense that the woman is leaving him, as the woman attitude shows. While in the other picture is the woman who grabs the knight and doesn't show very clearly the captivation of the knight. 
Also the picture that i have chosen have more bright and vibrant colours which enphasizes a lot the theme of love, passion and freedom while they met. But the other picture highlight more the theme of loneliness and the lose of freedom and submission of love

What both of these pictures have in common  is that both womans represent " Femme Fatales", as in different ways, both captivate the knight. Also in both pictures there is a lot of natural life represented, for example the horse or the forrest and its diverse plants.


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